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Ōtākaro Orchard Community Food Forest Garden

Is a central hub fo promoting the Food Resilience Network.

It's demonstrates a close connection between community and the natural environmen, where you can find peace, food, and learning in the city centre.

See the website for more info

Below is a series of photo's jumping through the design process leading up to the daily running and working bee's and teaching held onsite by kaitiaki, Roz Rolls (left in the picture).

Otakaro Orchard.jpg

Serval different strand lead each of the design team, Jane Ash, Gordyn Hamlyn, Steffan Kraberger & Lillee Star, to come together. Christchurch Food Forest Collective was the starting for most of us and a conversation with many groups and individuals in 2012, which led to the Food Resilience Network being formed.  A great overview detailing outcomes the FRN workshops of the design process for Ōtākaro Orchard in this article Permaculture Input in Canterbury on the PiNZ website.


Ōtākaro Orchard first look

The site is nothing but rubble back fill.

Ōtākaro Orchard key design element placements

Shaping out the main design componants

Ōtākaro Orchard design aspects

Refining grwing space through pathway access around the site

Ōtākaro Orchard ready for marking the tree locations

All ready to go for the canopy tree locations

Ōtākaro Orchard planting zones

Defining the growing zones

Ōtākaro Orchard planning tree placement

Allocating placement of the top canopy trees, to allow space for grwoth, havest, paths and other guild plantings.

Ōtākaro Orchard making the contractors mistakes

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Ōtākaro Orchard after hard landscaping

The site is looking great and is ready to have the trees locations mark for the digger to make

Ōtākaro Orchard after hard landscaping 1

First viewing of the site after landscaping contractors put in the hard fill


fruit guild planting

Plant guild

Roz onsite teaching 2

Roz showing the PDC group around

Roz onsite teaching

Going into detail about the plants and their benefical relationship to each other


Otakaro Orchardlp
Otakaro Orchardl
Otakaro Orchard
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